Milwaukee Criminal Divorce Bankruptcy lawyer

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Please note that you probably won't get an answer from any of the participating LawGuru lawyers if you ask long, convoluted questions, questions that make no sense or if you request specific statutory citations and other things that one can easily look up elsewhere on line. Follow-ups posted with more details or a change in facts about a question previously posted will probably go unanswered - be prepared to get an answer that encompasses only the facts that you relay to us in a question originally posted. Also, there is no guarantee that posting a question will get you an answer from any of us, and questions posted repeatedly will definitely be ignored!

I have answered general questions in the past for free as a public courtesy through this forum for people who do not necessarily have cases in Wisconsin for which they need an attorney to represent them. More detailed inquiries about a specific legal matter should be addressed to an attorney in your area about your situation.

Online Legal Advice : How it works - Ask a question - My Past Answers


P.O. Box 579, Milwaukee, WI 53201  Wisconsin State Bar # 1020925 -- Office: 414-224-0668  Cell: 414-218-3906